Hey, who are you? Can you call my lawyer? I had a few drinks... More then a few. In order to get here, you had to hit your car in a tree, fly by the windshield and land on a lake, where you almost drowned, if it weren't for the rock that stoped your head and you, from sinking. A farmer who was passing by, saw your car, stoped and found you, he was sure you were dead, but he called the emergency. They tried CPR on you, then brought you to the hospital. Now you're in a bed, uncuncious. You're not dead, just in coma. Holy shit, what? I just explained it to you, man. I'm in fucking coma? This doesn't make any fucking sense! So, if you're not in coma, where are you..? I don't know, some kind of place. You must've abducted me. Who are you? Me? I'm you. What? Yes, I'm you, Thomas. Actually, I am your subconciente. Fuck, I'm gonna kill myself. You can't. I know. Really you can, but you get the picture. Yes, I get it. So, what do I do now? Oh, le...